Class Details
- Class Vehicles.KCar
Known subclasses
- FrontTireClass (<KTire>)
- RearTireClass (<KTire>)
- WheelFrontAlong (const float)
- WheelFrontAcross (const float)
- WheelRearAlong (const float)
- WheelRearAcross (const float)
- WheelVert (const float)
- MaxSteerAngle (Float)
(65535 = 360 deg)
- MaxBrakeTorque (Float)
Braking torque applied to all four wheels. Positive only.
- TorqueSplit (Float)
front/rear drive torque split. 1 is fully RWD, 0 is fully FWD. 0.5 is standard 4WD.
- SteerPropGap (Float)
- SteerTorque (Float)
- SteerSpeed (Float)
- SuspStiffness (Float)
- SuspDamping (Float)
- SuspHighLimit (Float)
- SuspLowLimit (Float)
- SuspRef (Float)
- TireRollFriction (Float)
- TireLateralFriction (Float)
- TireRollSlip (Float)
- TireLateralSlip (Float)
- TireMinSlip (Float)
- TireSlipRate (Float)
- TireSoftness (Float)
- TireAdhesion (Float)
- TireRestitution (Float)
- TireMass (Float)
- HandbrakeThresh (Float)
Speed above which handbrake comes on =]
- TireHandbrakeSlip (Float)
Additional lateral slip when handbrake engaged
- TireHandbrakeFriction (Float)
Additional lateral friction when handbrake engaged
- ChassisMass (Float)
- StopThreshold (Float)
Forward velocity under which brakes become drive.
- TorqueCurve (InterpCurve)
Engine RPM in, Torque out.
- FlipTorque (Float);
- FlipTime (Float);
- MaxNetUpdateInterval (Float);
Not editable
Gear (int)
1 is forward, -1 is backward. Currently symmetric power/torque curve
- WheelSpinSpeed (Float)
Current (averaged) RPM of rear wheels
- ForwardVel (Float)
Component of cars velocity in its forward direction.
- bIsInverted (Bool)
Updated in Tick - indicates if car is not upright.
- IsDriving (Bool)
- FlipTimeLeft (Float)
- NextNetUpdateTime (Float)
Next time we should force an update of vehicles state.
- OutputBrake (Bool)
- OutputTorque (Float)
- OutputHandbrakeOn (Bool)
- ChassisState (KRigidBodyState)
- CarState (KCar/KCarState?)
This is replicated to the car, and processed to update all the parts.
- bNewCarState (Bool)
Indicated there is new data processed, and chassis RBState should be updated.
- VehicleStateReceived()
When new information is received, see if its new. If so, pass bits off the the wheels.
Each part will then update its rigid body position via the KUpdateState event.
- KUpdateState() (Bool)
This only update the chassis. The wheels update themselves.
- PackState()
Pack current state of whole car into the state struct, to be sent to the client.
Should only get called on the server.
- PostNetBeginPlay()
Spawns tires and KCarWheelJoints (super is called also)
- Destroyed()
Destroyes tires and wheeljoints (super is called also)
- KVehicleUpdateParams()
Call this if you change any parameters (tire, suspension etc.) and they
will be passed down to each wheel/joint.
- KApplyForce()
Possibly apply force to flip car over.
- StartFlip(Pawn Pusher)
- Engine(float Throttle) (Float)
- ProcessCarInput()
- Tick(float Delta)
Car Simulation