Texture is further down the class tree in UT2003 than in previous versions of the engine – see Texture (UT) for those.
Texture Group
- Material Detail
- Detail material to apply.
- float DetailScale
- A level of detail set this texture is associated with.
- int NormalLOD
- Palette Palette
- The texture's palette. Only used if the texture actually is an 8 bit palettized texture.
Animation Group
- Texture AnimNext
- Next texture in an animated texture sequence.
- float MaxFrameRate
- float MinFrameRate
- Frame rate for animated textures. These two properties specify the range of possible frame rates the engine can choose from; it attempts to automatically select an animation frame rate to minimize aliasing artefacts which lead to the effect of a texture animation not looking smooth. (If you want to enforce a particular frame rate, set both properties to the same value.) If set to zero, the animation is played with the user's game frame rate.
- byte PrimeCount
- Number of frames that are pre-rendered before the texture is displayed the first time; that's useful for dynamic textures that need to "build up" at startup (FireTextures, for instance).
Quality Group
- bool bHighColorQuality (private)
- High color quality hint.
- bool bHighTextureQuality (private)
- High texture quality hint.
Surface Group
- bool bAlphaTexture
- bool bMasked
- bool bTwoSided
UnrealScript-Only Properties
- __LastUpdateTime[2] (const, transient)
- float Accumulator
- Texture AnimCurrent (transient)
- bool bHasComp (const, editconst, private)
- !!OLDVER Whether a compressed version exists.
- bool bParametric (private)
- Texture data need not be stored.
- bool bRealtime (private)
- Texture changes in realtime.
- bool bRealtimeChanged (private, transient)
- Changed since last render.
- ETextureFormat CompFormat (const, editconst)
- int InternalTime[2] (const)
- color MaxColor (const)
- int MaxLOD (transient)
- int MinLOD
- array<int> Mips (private, native, const)
- color MipZero (const)
- byte PrimeCurrent (transient)
- byte PS2FirstMip
- byte PS2NumMips
- These "PS2" bytes were crammed into UTexture's alignment padding, but weren't mentioned here. DO NOT USE THESE IN UNREALSCRIPT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! (I guess.) –ryan.
- pointer RenderInterface (const, transient)
Deprecated Properties
- Texture DetailTexture
- Detail texture to apply.
- Texture EnvironmentMap
- Environment map for this texture
- EEnvMapTransformType EnvMapTransformType
- float Specular
- Specular lighting coefficient.
- EMTT_ViewSpace
- EMTT_WorldSpace
- EMTT_LightSpace
- LODSET_World
- LODSET_PlayerSkin
- LODSET_WeaponSkin
- LODSET_Terrain
- LODSET_Interface
- LODSET_RenderMap
- LODSET_Lightmap