Terrain Texture Layer
A Terrain can contain a large number of texture layers. These allow different textures to be visible (and blended!) in different areas of a terrain. For example, a mountain might have snow on the tops; or a hillside might have gravel paths across it.
The list of layers is shown in two places:
- in the Terrain Editing Window, where you can edit how much and where each layer is visible. Note that the top layer in the list is the bottom-most in the rendering order (or the one rendered first if you prefer...)
- in the TerrainInfo's Actor Properties, where you can change the other settings.
Add a terrain layer
There are two ways to add a new layer to your terrain: in the Terrain mode window, and in the TerrainInfo's actor properties.
- use terrain mode if you don't have a alpha map you wish to apply: it will create one for you which you can then edit with the [Painting Terrain Tool]?
- use actor properties if you have an existing texture for the alpha map: for example, one you've made in an image editing application and imported; or a duplicate of the alpha map of another layer. (of course you can edit this alpha map too once the layer is made. But remember that this edits the texture, so if it's in use elsewhere, that will reflect the changes too)
...in terrain mode
Select the TerrainInfo that represents the terrain you want to edit, go into Terrain Mode and click the Layers tab.
Before you do anything else, open up the Texture Browser and select a texture to be used as a new texture for (for example) your new mountain you want to look realistic.
Back in the Terrain Editing window, and in the 'Layer' tab, click on the button called 'New'. The New Layer window will open.
- Package
- Where to store the alpha map for this layer. MyLevel works here of course, to allows you to store the alpha map inside your map file. It's a good idea to place all the texture associated with your terrain in the same place.
- Group
- whatever you like
- Name
- whatever you want, but it's a good idea to use a name which reflects the layer you're going to make. Later on in the Terrain tools window, this name is what will be the name of your layer
- Alpha Height & Alpha Width
- these values must match the dimensions of the heightmap.
- Alpha fill
- colour to fill in the alpha map initially. Pick black to start with a totally invisible layer, white for a totally visible one.
- Color Fill
- For color fill, I believe this is the color that will ' Fade ' in to the other layers when you paint the texture on. This must be a different color for each layer. (Example: A layer's color fill cannot be the same as another layers color fill. Ie. Red-Red is wrong and Red-Blue will work great ) ?????
- UScale & VScale
- how big the texture will be. It works exactly like the surface properties under the tab Pan/Rot/Scale.
Finally, when you are satisfied with your new layer's settings, click OK.
Now there should be a new ' Layer ' called Terrain1 (or w/e you called it under ' Name ' )
...in the TerrainInfo
In the TerrainInfo's Actor Properties, expand the TerrainInfo → Layers array, and find the first empty array element. We'll refer to it as Layers[i] below.
- Set the resource property TerrainInfo → Layers[i] → AlphaMap = whatever alpha map you want to use.
- Set the resource property TerrainInfo → Layers[i] → Texture = the texture the layer should display. (for example snow, grass, rocks, etc. See Texture Package for suggestions of what to use)
- TerrainInfo → Layers[i] → UScale and VScale = however you want to scale the texture on the layer. 1 will do for now.
Editing the layer
Now click on the layer and then click on the [Painting Terrain Tool]? under the ' Terrain Editing Tools ' Menu. Now, on your terrain in your level. Use the paint controls (CTR+LMB to erase the texture and CTR-RMB to add the texture) on the area you want to change the texture to. depending on the ' Strength ' you set, the texture will ' fade ' in covering the older texture.
In the layer tab, you can right-click on a layer in the list, and do:
- Set alpha map from the current texture
- Set display texture from the current texture
- Toggle grid display for the layer
These are in the TerrainInfo → Layers array.
- Texture AlphaMap
- the alpha map texture.
- float KFriction
- float KRestitution
- Rotator LayerRotation
- Material Texture
- the displayed texture
- ETexMapAxis TextureMapAxis
- float TextureRotation
- float UPan
- float UScale
- float VPan
- float VScale