AIController which is controlling a pawn through a ScriptedSequence specified by an AIScript.
- controller PendingController
- controller which will get this Pawn after scripted sequence is complete.
- int ActionNum
- each action in a ScriptedSequence has a number.
- int AnimsRemaining
- how many animations are left in an action or sequence.
- ScriptedSequence SequenceScript
- the ScriptedSequence the ScriptedController will use.
- LatentScriptedAction CurrentAction
- used for action completion queries.
- Action_PLAYANIM CurrentAnimation
- the current animation in the sequence.
- bool bBroken
- a Target is still in view or not.
- bool bShootTarget
- ScriptedAction is an ACTION_ShootTarget? or not.
- bool bShootSpray
- continue shooting or not.
- bool bPendingShoot
- waiting to shoot or not.
- bool bFakeShot
- this is currently a hack.
- bool bUseScriptFacing
- script is setting or not what the Pawn's focus is.
- bool bPendingDoubleJump
- the Pawn can double jump or not.
- bool bFineWeaponControl
- bPressFire or bPressAltFire? (ACTION_FireWeapon?line45).
- Actor ScriptedFocus
- the Actor or Target that the Pawn should be focused on.
- PlayerController MyPlayerController
- the Pawn's controller, either a Player or not.
- int NumShots
- number of times to shoot before StopFiring.
- name FiringMode
- appropriate firing mode, bFire or bAltFire.
- int IterationCounter
- number of iterations in an action.
- int IterationSectionStart
- where to start the number of iterations.
- function bool WeaponFireAgain(float RefireRate, bool bFinishedFire)
- called by Weapon. Returns false to stop firing weapon.
- event NotifyJumpApex()
- notified when Pawn is at jump apex.
- function TakeControlOf(Pawn aPawn)
- lets the script take over the Pawn.
- function SetEnemyReaction(int AlertnessLevel)
- used in subclasses such as Bot? to determine how to react to enemies.
- function Pawn GetMyPlayer()
- returns the original Controller of the Pawn.
- function Pawn GetInstigator()
- returns the Pawn who is causing damage to the Pawn being controlled.
- function Actor GetSoundSource()
- returns the SequenceScript that has a ScriptedAction that's an Action_PLAYSOUND?.
- function bool CheckIfNearPlayer(float Distance)
- check if a Player is closer than the Distance passed in and is in view.
- function ClearScript()
- clear out any actions remaining in the SequenceScript.
- function SetNewScript(ScriptedSequence NewScript)
- set the SequenceScript to the NewScript that was passed in.
- function ClearAnimation()
- clear out any remaining animations.
- function int SetFireYaw(int FireYaw)
- set direction to shoot
- function rotator AdjustAim(Ammunition FiredAmmunition, vector projStart, int AimError)
- adjusts aiming direction.
- function LeaveScripting()
- leave the SequenceScript and unpossess the pawn
+-ScriptedController +-Bot? | +-xBot? | +-InvasionBot? (Epic Bonuspack) +-MonsterController? (Epic Bonuspack)
Related Links
Creating And Using ScriptedActions