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Actor Properties Window

This is a floating window in the UnrealEd Interface that lists all the properties of any currently selected actor or actors. Each section heading can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the small box next to the name.

Most of the headings are common to all actors; this is because they are defined in the script for the Actor class and inherited by all subclasses. Many of them are not relevant to a particular given class, for instance the properties under Actor/Collision are not used with Light actors. These common properties are explained on the Actor class page.

When several actors are selected, this list will only show property names they have in common. If no actors are selected, the list window will simply be blank.


It can be opened several ways. First, select one or more actors. Then do one of the following:


Actor Properties Window


To quickly see how a particular actor's properties differs from the defaults for that class, copy it and then paste into a text editor. Only the properties that are different to the defaults are listed. This can be handy when looking at someone else's map to see how an effect has been achieved.

Other Windows

Two other windows look exactly like this one, but are only opened from the View menu:

The Surface Properties Window is totally unrelated to this window, but the buttons for both are side by side on the toolbar.

Hidden variables

Some variables are not displayed in this window. Property groups concealed with the hidecategories class syntax can't be reached. So-called "hidden variables", ie those defined with var instead of var() can be accessed with the console command:

 EditObj <name>

This will open another window with the properties for that actor.

Values you couldn't normally set will show up in the editactor window under the "none" category. Unlike the main Actor Properties Window, this new window is permanently fixed to the actor it was opened for.

To set a particular variable, you can also use

 set <class> <variable name> <setting>

Related Topics

Tarquin: this is embarassing. I am lost on my own wiki :( I know this is somewhere but I can't find it: How do I set hidden properties like bStatic? There's a console command, and isn't there also some cunning trick to make all the Hidden ones show in the properties window?

Foxpaw: Two ways: You can use the SET console command. (I believe it works in the editor. This will set the properties of ALL actors of the class you specify, and I think it might also affect defaults for the class you specify, but not for subclasses.

That is, it sets the specified variable to the specified value in the specifified class and all of it's subclasses for every instance currently in existance. It sets the default of the specified variable to the specified value in the specifified class, but not in subclasses.

That's how it behaves in-game anyway. It might not affect defaults in the editor, maybe it only sets the current values.


 set <class> <variable name> <setting>


 set TriggerJumpPad bStatic false

The second way is to use the editactor console command:

  editactor class=TriggerJumpPad

This opens a pseudo actor properties browser for the nearest actor of the specified class. As for which one is the "nearest" I assume it's nearest to the camera. In-game it's nearest to the controller, but I haven't tried in the editor.

Values you couldn't normally set will show up in the editactor window under the "none" category.

Tarquin: Thanks :) Written some of it up.

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