Subject: here From: (Bill Blake) Date: 26 Oct 1998 15:36:54 GMT Newsgroups: Codes as described by microprose... Commands & Controll ACTIVATEITEM Activates the currently selected item in your inventory. ADDBOTS Adds more bots to the game. ALLAMMO Gives you 999 of all ammo types. BEHINDVIEW 0 Resets this. BEHINDVIEW 1 Puts you in Tomb Raider style view. BRIGHTNESS Cycle through 10 screen brightness values CANCEL Cancels an "open" command in progress that is trying to connect to a network server. CDTRACK Play the specified CD track. CHANGEHUD Changes current heads up display mode. DEBUG CRASH Test crashing the game by appError. DEBUG EATMEM Test allocating memory until it fills up. DEBUG GPF Test a general protection fault. DEBUG RECURSE Test crash by infinite recursion. DUMPCACHE Display the contents of the memory cache GCache EDITACTOR During game play, edits the properties of the nearest actor belonging to that class. ENDFULLSCREEN Go back to playing in a window. EXEC Execute the console commands in the filename, default is in the System directory. EXIT Exit the program. FEIGNDEATH Play dead. Great for DM. FLUSH Flush all caches. Regenerates all lighting, 3d hardware textures, etc. FLY You can fly GETCURRENTRES Returns the current resolution GETRES Returns the valid resolutions for your window state GHOST Turns on No Clip allowing you to walk through walls. GOD You are invincible HIDEACTORS Hide actors during game play. JUMPTO In The Editor, move the viewport to a certain X,Y,Z location. KEYBINDING Tells you what "key" is bound to. KILLPAWNS Kills all non-players on the level LOADGAME Load a game in position 0-9. MEM List memory usage; only works when Unreal is compiled with the memory- tracking option (it's usually not). MEMSTAT Show Windows overall memory statistics. NEVERSWITCHONPICKUP 1/0 Whether to switch to new weapon on pick up or not. NEXTITEM Moves to the next item in your inventory. NEXTWEAPON Changes weapon to the weapon that is above current weapon. OBJ CLASSES Prints a list of all loaded classes. OBJ GARBAGE Collect and purge garbage ("garbage" means objects which are no longer in use). OBJ HASH Show object hashing statistics. OBJ LIST List all objects belonging to the class (if the class isn't specified, lists ALL objects). OBJ REFS Show a list of objects which reference the object you specify. OPEN Opens a local map (i.e. "klingons.unr") or an Internet server (i.e. ""). PAUSE Pauses/unpauses a game (if in Singleplayer). PLAYERSONLY Freezes all non-players on the level PREFERENCES Displays the Advanced Controls menu. PREVITEM Moves to the previous item in your inventory. PREVWEAPON Changes weapon to the weapon that is before current weapon. QUICKLOAD Loads game QUICKSAVE Saves game REPORT Copies a report of the current gameplay situation to the clipboard. RESTARTLEVEL Restarts the current level RMODE Set the rendering mode. 0-9. SAVEGAME Save the game in a specified position, 0-9. SAY Allows you to chat in Multiplayer game (i.e. "SAY Hey") SET INPUT Binds "key" to "value". Can be used to bind keys from the console or with the "type" command. SETDESIREDFOV Sets your Field of View to "value".This is reset every time you change or pick up weapons. SETNAME Changes your name. SETRES Sets your resolution to "value" (i.e. 320x200, 1024x768) SHOT Take a screenshot and save it in the System directory with a consecutive name like Shot0001.bmp SHOWACTORS Shows actors during gameplay. SHOWMENU Brings up Klingons Menu Display. SLOMO With or without a number in the console and the game will slow down or speed up accordingly. SOCKETS In network play, shows a list of network sockets (UNetConnection's) in use START An alternative to Open. STAT CACHE Shows Cache as well as how many items are caching STAT FPS Shows current FPS STAT GAME Shows Game stats STAT GLOBAL Shows overall on what's going on in the game such as FPS, Filter, Clip, etc. STAT OCCLUSION Shows Clip and Box info? SUMMON KLINGONS. Creates a member of "class" right in front of you. Works for pickups, guns and monsters. SWITCHCOOPLEVEL Causes the server (or local machine, in a single- player game) to switch to a new level with coop-style weapon carrying between levels. SWITCHLEVEL Causes the server (or local machine, in a single-player game) to switch to a new level. SWITCHWEAPON 1 Switches to Dak Tagh SWITCHWEAPON 10 Switches to Bat leth SWITCHWEAPON 2 Switches to Disruptor Pistol SWITCHWEAPON 3 Switches to Disruptor Rifle SWITCHWEAPON 4 Switches to Assault Disruptor SWITCHWEAPON 5 Switches to Ding Pah SWITCHWEAPON 6 Switches to Grenade Launcher SWITCHWEAPON 7 Switches to Rocket Launcher SWITCHWEAPON 8 Switches to Sith Har Blaster SWITCHWEAPON 9 Switches to Disruptor Cannon SUICIDE Kills yourself. Great if you get stuck. THROWWEAPON Throws currently selected weapon TOGGLE B Toggles any of a number of b (boolean) values (i.e. bNoMosters, bCoopWeaponMode, bHumansOnly ect.) TOGGLEFULLSCREEN Toggles between Fullscreen and Windowed Screen VIEWCLASS Sets your view to the number of classname in the level. VIEWDOWN Moves View Downwards VIEWUP Moves View Upwards WALK Turns off either "ghost" or "fly". Can be used if you want to explore the intro.