UT2003 Engine Overview
This page and its subpages will be a definitive guide to the UT2003 Engine. For simplicity's sake I will be restraining this overview to Unreal Tournament 2003 only. Definitions and links to other Wiki pages are acceptable but it is preferred that a full explanation of all items take place within the page itself. This guide should eventually stand on its own as a sort of UT2K3 API/SDK guide, written in plain English. Comments should only be made at the bottom of the page in the appropriate area and not inline. Inline comments will disturb the flow of information.
These guides will assume a working knowledge of UnrealScript to the extent that you can read UnrealScript and understand what is being done. Expert knowledge will not be assumed.
Categories to be covered are as follows.
- Crucial Basics
- [Game Info]?
- [Player Info]?
- Weapons?
- Pawns?
- Controllers
- Interactions?
- Bots?
- HUD?
- Mutators?
- GUIs?
- Replication?
- [Tying it together]?
EntropicLqd: Is there an intention to distinguish between things that happen at the "Unreal Engine" level, and things that happen as part of the "game implementation" itself?
Trystan: If I'm following your question correctly, no. The only purpose is to explain, as a whole, how the engine works. Items implemented natively will be mentioned as such since their behavior is difficult if not impossible to override.
Tarquin: Wow. This is the page that Unreal Engine should be I've adopted Event into the crucial basics page. I was thinking of merging this to Unreal Engine, but this is so neat & clean, I'd hate to muck it up. I wonder if we can have "Unreal Engine Overview" and "Unreal Engine Technical". but that's a bit of an arbitrary split. Maybe we can adopt more pages into this structure.
This page is affected by the Big Cleanup:
- Unreal Engine is just a list of vaguely related links. So I'd like THIS page to become "Unreal Engine", and "Unreal Engine" to, erm... fizzle out.
- the pages linked above need to be un-walled, and made into top-level pages. In some cases, that will involve merging.
Tarquin: I've taken drastic action and folded this back into the rest of the wiki: this was half-built, the Unreal Engine page was half-built: together they're stronger I'm hoping that with some wikilove, the Unreal Engine page will improve. Trystan, if you're still thinking of creating an engine reference, I suggest you tag pages with a category.