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Questions Of The Month

This is the place where I can ask you guyz questions and hopefully get answers :)

Emmiter Coding(Resolved)

Hey, I want to make a new fx for the lightning gun. Could I just make an emitter in-editor and copy it into note pad and then save it as a class and then change the default properties of the lighting gun?

KBone/TBone (Answered/Resolved)

Hey Hey Hey... First Question Of The Month... a thing called KBone or TBone refers to what exactly? (UT2K3)

Foxpaw: I TBone is a cut of steak. :P I don't believe that "KBone" is referenced anywhere in the script, but I do know what a "bone" is, and I know that Epic prefaces pretty much everything karma related with a capital K, and I know that the Karma Ragdoll simulation uses bones. Therefore, I'm going to make the educated guess that a "KBone" is one of the bones specified in the Karma Asset file for a given skeletal mesh.

MythOpus: LoL. I know that. My one weapon (first weapon described above) when used with the mutator i made for it it made this pawn called TBone or KBone or something (probly a conflict with the Troopers Mod Stuff) and it defaulted nearly every pawn to a gorge and left their portrait image with a question mark... but everything seems fine

Foxpaw: It may well be a conflict of some kind. I don't believe there is any KBone or TBone class in the UT2003 distribution.

Languard: While I can't the answer the original question, a good way to prevent name clashes is to put a prefix in front of all of your classes. For my personal stuff I put rcfClassName for everything, and for the Soul Keeper mode I use skClassName for everything. That pretty much solves name conflicts.

MythOpus: Thats the thing, there was nothing to have a conflict with. Unless the game was trying to use something that my mutator was also trying to use :S oh well.. the problem is gone :)

Tarquin: wouldn't it be better if you used the help desk for this?

MythOpus: hmm... i guess so lol but this is funner ;)

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