MythOpus' Custom Actors
THese are a few of my custom actors.
Speed Spot / Speed Volume
Speed Spot will increase the speed of a player to the Number set in SpeedAdjust when it enters it's collision. When it leaves it, it's speed will be switched to the SpeedRevert number. Also, when a player enters the collision, a speed effect will be placed on it.
//===================================================================================== // SpeedSpot //===================================================================================== class SpeedSpot extends Actor placeable; var (SpeedSpot) int SpeedAdjust, SpeedRevert;//SpeedAdjust is what the players speed will go to when they activate. //SpeedRevert what players speed will go to when it's deactivated. var xEmitter LeftTrail, RightTrail; function Touch(Actor Other ) { local xPawn x; x = xPawn(Other); if(x != None) { x.GroundSpeed = SpeedAdjust; } LeftTrail = Spawn(class'SpeedTrail', x,, x.Location, x.Rotation); x.AttachToBone(LeftTrail, 'lfoot'); RightTrail = Spawn(class'SpeedTrail', x,, x.Location, x.Rotation); x.AttachToBone(RightTrail, 'rfoot'); } function Untouch(Actor Other ) { local xPawn x; x = xPawn(Other); if(x != None) { x.GroundSpeed = SpeedRevert; } if (LeftTrail != None) LeftTrail.Destroy(); if (RightTrail != None) RightTrail.Destroy(); } DefaultProperties { CollisionRadius=512.000000 CollisionHeight=512.000000 bCollideActors=True bCollideWorld=True SpeedAdjust=1024.000000 SpeedRevert=440.000000 }
Speed Volume is volume that will do the same as the above but is more useful
class SpeedVolume extends Volume notplaceable; var (SpeedVolume) int SpeedAdjust, SpeedRevert; //SpeedAdjust is what the players speed will go to when they activate. //SpeedRevert what players speed will go to when it's deactivated. var xEmitter LeftTrail, RightTrail; function Touch(Actor Other ) { local xPawn x; x = xPawn(Other); if(x != None) { x.GroundSpeed = SpeedAdjust; } LeftTrail = Spawn(class'SpeedTrail', x,, x.Location, x.Rotation); x.AttachToBone(LeftTrail, 'lfoot'); RightTrail = Spawn(class'SpeedTrail', x,, x.Location, x.Rotation); x.AttachToBone(RightTrail, 'rfoot'); } function Untouch(Actor Other ) { local xPawn x; x = xPawn(Other); if(x != None) { x.GroundSpeed = SpeedRevert; } if (LeftTrail != None) LeftTrail.Destroy(); if (RightTrail != None) RightTrail.Destroy(); } DefaultProperties { bCollideActors=True bCollideWorld=True SpeedAdjust=1024.000000 SpeedRevert=440.000000 }
Known Bugs: When a player shoots while under the speed adjust, the speed effect will stick to them when they get out of it.