Not much to say. My name is Fabien Cortina. I'm 21, french and studying computer engineering
I've been mapping since DooM, yet I've only released very few maps. Many were lost, unachieved or just bad. Some others were just to test something with the editor.
My work
Lately i've been mapping for Infiltration. I never liked space platforms or cathedrals I've always made realistic maps, even with DooM. Infiltration has that magic feeling so many other mods don't have. And so many great mappers produced for it: Angelheart and Spooger to name few.
Most recent maps:
- [DM-INF-DullRocks]: i'm pretty happy with this one, it won a "Real Award" and a "Map of the Month" from [Real Maps] and was rated 91% on []
- [AS-INF-Frozen]: an attempt at assault mapping. It's very very detailed! I literally flooded the map with custom decorations. It has just been reviewed by Real Maps.
To find more info on these decos:
[Freon's Deco Pack #2]
[Freon's Deco Pack #3]
Tarquin: Welcome to the Wiki
ZxAnPhOrIaN: Hello, welcome to the wiki!!
(BTW: Nice Name
Freon: who the fuck edited that page
LegalAssassin: Que?!
Mychaeel: Never mind, Freon – just your average attention whore. They pop up once in a while on any Wiki. By the way, glad to see that you put MeshMaker to good use with your deco packs...
Freon: from his IP it's probably someone i know (and knows what school i go to). but i never gave this address to anybody
Mosquito I remember you! INF, I got banned for standing up for my country, hows the weather in hell? (INF)