About me
Hello, I'm Bjørn. I have been modding for the UT2003 total convertion [Unreal Annihilation], which is an attempt to recreate the game of Total Annihilation with the UT2003 engine (and mix Battle Zone elements). This Wiki thing seems ultra cool, I hope to find some pages waiting for a usefull contribution.
You can contact me through MSN:
Bjørn: So, hi fellow Wiki developers!
ZxAnPhOrIaN: Hey! Welcome to the wiki!
Hooah!! I beat all of yah!!!!!!!!!
Tarquin: Hello. Beaten again by Zxan. Darn. Welcome to the Unreal Wiki, Bjorn. I think you'll find pages in need of attention all over the place...
ZxAnPhOrIaN: HEHEHE............... /me trails off into oblivion