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Lev/Developer Journal


22/06/2003 20:51 (GMT):

Well as is the case most of the time I have wildly underestimated the work involved in making some of the ideas I have had, thankfully I have not been to loud and annoying about them so at least I’m not a complete, how should I put this "silly person". I think I started off quite well with the mutator and the new combo as I completed both of them in a quite reasonable amount of time. I'd like to see some sort of progression in what I do, so that is gonna be my task for now, work out a series of mods to do each building up areas of knowledge so that I can eventually do bigger mods.

Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated:


15/06/2003 23:44 (GMT):

To get away from the network stuff for a while I just finished a new combo mod called ChChChiken. Pretty simple stuff, get enough adrenaline and activate the combo (RLRL) and weee! You’re teleported away to a navigation point. Looks nice because before you teleport it generates a shockcombo super explosion and just for good measure does one where you spawn back in to. That effect reminds me of Terminator with the back in time lighting ball effect when the old T800 comes on screen for the first time.

Be cool if anyone is about and has 5 minutes to spare if you could drop me an email and I can send you it as I’d like to see it working in multiplayer.

15/06/2003 00:32 (GMT):

Well I know what I’m going to do. I have been experimenting with the TcpLink class and it is working very nicely, at the moment I’m only outputting to the log file but I've got it so ut2k3 connects to my server does a login. From that point I'm going to link it up with a simple map I'll create to have a virtual admin interface.

I'm using the server code I use for a production server at my day job and basically for the fun of it creating a metaphor for admining the server in ut2k3.

This is how I see it working in the test level:

First off your standing in the street you walk up to a doorway which has a trigger there, this trigger tries to connect to the server if the server is online the doors open. You enter the scanning room with lots of laser that run over you and you’re prompted for your username password, these get sent to the server and the door into the main complex opens up if you’re an admin. This is where the fun really begins, for now I’m just going to have a round area in the centre of the room that will be populated with the users currently online in the form of characters from the game. The only function I’m going to implement is going to be the one that I think will be the most fun "Kick user", and how do you kick a user you ask? Shoot them in the head of course. Horahh now the admin of the server (me) can have ut2k3 up on screen and honesty say “no really I am doing work.”

14/06/2003 13:02 (GMT):

Ahh that's better. So I’ve only been unrealscripting for a few days now, actually been scripting more than playing the game which is kinda worrying.

I've completed one mod so far which was a very simple new type of grenade for the assualt rifle that you can shot while it is in mid air and it will explode. All that was needed in the end was overriding the SpawnProjectile function of AssualtGrenade to spawn the new grenade type and overriding the TakeDamage function of Grenade to make it explode. One thing that had me stumped for quite a while was why the hell isn't this thing exploding, after going through looking at the shockrifle code (thinking that it is a similar to what I wanted to achieve) I found that the CollisionRadius and CollisionHeight needed to be set and boom! Grenades were blowing up left right and centre...very satisfying.

One thing i will remember for my own classes is to not use constants for things like spawning where possible, i could of created this new grenade type without having to duplicate the AssaultGrenade SpawnProjectile function if that code had used a var instead of "class'Grenade'" calling the Spawn function.

Got a lot of ideas for things, however all of them are out of my skill range as of this moment so im going to start playing the game and see if anything hits me that i could do.

14/06/2003 12:24 (GMT):

Right i've moved this dev log to here to keep with the structure of the site. I will be updating here shortly with what im doing at the moment, stay tuned.

14/06/2003 00:58 (GMT):

Hello all, loving the information on here. I will fill this in more tomorrow (well err later today). Just started a few days ago but did a mod which i'll document somewhere on here as its pretty simple but fun at the same time.

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