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Mysterial: In UT2003, GameInfo and Mutator have a function GetServerDetails() that allows modmakers to add to the info displayed by the server browser in the bottom left window.

A problem some mods could have is that they want to modify all of a specific kind of object's properties, yet functions like Mutator's IsRelevant() don't get called on them. This problem can be fixed with the code:

local Object O;

foreach AllObjects(class'object', O)
            if (ClassIsChildOf(Class(O), class'BaseClass'))
                class<BaseClass>(O).default.SomeVariable = SomeValue;

This code needs only run once, and allows you to change the default properties of any class below some base class.

Foxpaw: You could do that with a lot less CPU usage by cutting out the middleman:

local Object O;

foreach AllObjects(class'BaseClass', O)
  class<BaseClass>(O).default.SomeVariable = SomeValue;

Mysterial: That doesn't work; the iterator would return actual objects, not classes that you could cast like that. Plus, the point is to change the default value for all subclasses of the BaseClass, not BaseClass itself.

Foxpaw: I see you are right about the class casting. I'm not sure where my head was when I wrote that bit. This one would work - and subclasses of that class will still get the call from the iterator:

local BaseClass O;

foreach AllObjects(class'BaseClass', O)
  O.Class.default.SomeVariable = SomeValue;

Mysterial: It seems as though Actor references don't get properly set to None in objects not subclassed from Actor. I had an Interaction that set a variable to one of the local pawn's inventory items, and if that pawn died the game would often crash because the variable wasn't None even though the inventory item no longer existed.

In addition, the game will randomly crash during garbage collection if an object that is no longer referenced (for example, a menu long closed) if that object contains an invalid Actor reference. The trademark of such a crash is a long list of (Some Object)→Serialize strings in the backtrace.

Foxpaw: This works, but is bad mojo. So don't do it. It's probrably unstable. If you have a wierd, really wierd bug, maybe it's caused by something like this. I did it by mistake before I realized that I was using something I hadn't declared in that class, but in a subclass of it.

Ph3AR! A hole in the time-space continuum:

class ImAClass extends Actor;

var Someotherclass Classtastic;

function Ihavefunctions()
  ClassTastic.AStruct.Avar = 3;
// Blah blah blah.

class ASubclass extends ImAClass;

struct StructDef
  var float AVar;
  var string AnotherVar;
// And then some...

class Someotherclass extends actor dependson(Asubclass);

var ASubclass.StructDef Astruct;

Note that we are calling something that hasn't really been defined yet. An even easier way of causng mayhem:

class MyClass extends Actor;
var MySubClass Submarine;

class MySubClass extends MyClass;

Suffice it to say, don't refer to subclasses of a class within that same class, or the UEd Goblin will eat your babies! Alternatively, this type of wanton class looping results in GPFs if you make a wrong move.

Wormbo: That second thing works reasonably well with the Actor class and its Instigator variable which is a Pawn reference (subclass of Actor) or its Level variable which a LevelInfo reference (also a subclass of Actor).

Foxpaw: Well, yes, it works, it's just that it has a high risk of ceasing to work as a result of changes.. plus it's extremely poor OOP form, if you ask me.

Foxpaw: BSP that is extremely distant seems to not be drawn, or not be drawn properly. I made a cubic brush 2^18 units per side and the surfaces did not show up at all when I subtracted it. A brush 2^17 units per side showed up but had a HOM effect in the editor. Brushes of 2^16 units per side and smaller seem to work fine. This seems to work fine if the surfaces are fake backdrop, however.

Birelli: To the BSP drawing thing - I imagine that has something to do with textures. When each "tiling" of the texture becomes less than 1 pixel, for instance, the algorithm might start to break down. This wouldn't necessarily happen with fake backdrop because the backdrop isn't drawn the same way.

Foxpaw: I noticed that if you override a function in a subclass that has one or more variables declared as "out" variables, if you change the declaration in the subclass and leave out the "out" keyword, the compiler will accept the new version and that variable will not be treated as an "out" variable for that class and it's subclasses. I'm not sure if this works the other way around. (making a non-out variable an out variable.)

Foxpaw: If you destroy an actor within KImpact, UT2003 gives you a GPF. I believe this is because the list of all colliding actors is generated, then each collision isis evaluated. As a result, after the actor is destroyed other things that were colliding with that actor still want to collide with it an there's a null pointer being accessed within the native code. But that's just speculation on WHY it GPFs. The workaround appears to be setting a flag so the actor can destroy itself in Tick.

Mysterial: This is true of pretty much every Karma event. In addition, you shouldn't edit the Karma properties of an object in a Karma function, for similar reasons. I *think* there are checks for these kinds of things in UT2004, but I'd take the safe path and just flag things for processing elsewhere.

Foxpaw: I really hope they do include checks.. I'd really like to be able to destroy objects from within the KImpact event. If one of the ships in my mod hits something going at any kind of speed, it takes damage, which may result in destruction.. so I've had to delay all destruction due to damage to the next tick, which is a bit hackier than I like.

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