Greetings and salutitations!
UCC batch script
The script I use for (re)compiling. If you think it's worthy, put it on the ucc page of the wiki.
00001 @echo off 00002 00003 :start 00004 title COMPILING :: EonCompiler 00005 CLS 00006 00007 Copy UCC_EonCompiler.log UCC_EonCompiler_OLD.log 00008 rem del 00009 00010 00011 del EonEngine.u 00012 del EonConfig.u 00013 del EonEditor.u 00014 rem EonMath.u 00015 rem EonGUI.u 00016 rem EonInterface.u 00017 rem EonHUD.u 00018 rem EonEffects.u 00019 rem EonShadowFX.u 00020 rem EonWeaponFX.u 00021 rem EonWeapons.u 00022 del EonGame.u 00023 00024 ucc make -INI=Eon.ini -LOG=UCC_EonCompiler.log 00025 if errorlevel 1 goto end 00026 00027 title OK :: EonCompiler 00028 findstr /c:"Log file closed" UCC_EonCompiler.log 00029 rem start Eon_QuickStart.bat 00030 echo. 00031 pause 00032 goto start 00033 00034 :end 00035 title ERROR :: EonCompiler 00036 findstr /c:"Log file closed" UCC_EonCompiler.log 00037 00038 echo. 00039 pause 00040 goto start