Stat Points System
This tutorial is for creating a stat-based system in which to modify UT2003 (Like UT2003RPG).
For now we will be working with the firing rate of the minigun. If you have not already done so, you will have to obtain the Unrealscript sources for UT2003. You will also need to Set Up Package Folders for this mod. Once you have done that, copy MinigunFire.uc from XWeapons to the folder you just created for this mod.
You need to change the name first: (so you don't overwrite anything)
class SPSMinigunFire extends InstantFire
After that you should see a line that looks something like this:
simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); FireRate = 1.f / (RoundsPerRotation * BarrelRotationsPerSec); MaxRollSpeed = 65536.f*BarrelRotationsPerSec; Gun = Minigun(Owner); }
In order to use the variable we want, we will have to add it to the variable definitions at the top of the page. The variable Definitions look like this:
var() float MaxRollSpeed; var() float RollSpeed; var() float BarrelRotationsPerSec; var() int RoundsPerRotation; var() float FireTime; var() Sound WindingSound; var() Sound FiringSound; var MiniGun Gun; var() float WindUpTime; var() String FiringForce; var() String WindingForce;
This declares the variables used. (Yeah, we probably know this – skip this step and give a link to the variable syntax page instead)
We will be adding a line to it that looks like this
var() float StatPoints
After that you will need to set up a system for determining stat points. I'll cover that here: /StatPointDetermination?
Anyway, add this line to under PostBeginPlay
function ModeTick(float dt) { if (StatPoints > 0) { NewFireRate = FireRate + (StatPoints / 5); else FireRate = 1.f / (RoundsPerRotation * BarrelRotationsPerSec); } } }
The final code should look like this:
simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); FireRate = 1.f / (RoundsPerRotation * BarrelRotationsPerSec); MaxRollSpeed = 65536.f*BarrelRotationsPerSec; Gun = Minigun(Owner); function ModeTick(float dt) { if (StatPoints > 0) { NewFireRate = FireRate + (StatPoints / 5); else FireRate = 1.f / (RoundsPerRotation * BarrelRotationsPerSec); } } }
That should do it! I'm not completely sure on the uscript format, but here is it in easy to understand format:
If the variable StatPoints is greater than 0, then the firing rate is the old fire rate + the value of the variable StatPoints divided by 5. If it is not above zero, then the firing rate is rounds per rotation * barrel rotations per sec, ie. normal firing rate.
Hope I got this right!
RDGDanClark: I didn't check the code itself, I just noticed that you had !>, which is invalid. The way to write "not greater than" is "less than or equal to", which is <=. For example "Negative two is not greater than zero" is the same as "Negative two is less than (or equal to) zero".
Dragonmaw: Thanks. I meant it to be greater than 0, but I pressed a wrong key.
Solid Snake: Good tutorial. I don't know what the replication will be like on the network since adjusting those values is client side? I'll have to have a look into that a little later. Also you may want to tell people that they will also have to subclass a weapon and change the fireclass to this one (I'll bet you will get a question in how to use this script...).
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