New UnrealEd Interface In UT2003
New tools, toolbar buttons etc.
Also new editors such as Matinee and the Terrain Mode.
See also:
The red builder brush is now solid lines instead of dotted. (the campaign to bring back the dotted line starts here!)
Dark Pulse: Really? Never noticed it...
Brush-like non-brushes
There are now things about that look like brushes but aren't.
- volumes
- static meshes, aka Hardware Brushes
- antiportals
Scaling & Rotation
- brush scaling is now a dialog box
- brush rotation seems to be no longer stored in the Movement → Rotation property.
– but setting a value here still changes the brush
New Browsers
Problems & Solutions
- I can't click anything in the viewports
You probably activated anti-aliasing - turning it off should fix the problem.
Birelli: I started a tutorials section, but on second thought this page should probably just go in its entirety and move everything into "new features in UT2003" (along with the scripting page). And then just make a subpage off of that called something like "UT2003 Mapping" with content from this page and more.