MeshMaker is a Windows-based tool that creates skinned decorations out of UnrealEd prefabs in a matter of seconds.
- /FAQ – Go here, ask your question, and check back for the answer.
- /Update – New features for the next version (including suggestions).
- /Creating a Decoration Subtree – How to make all decorations from a custom package appear in a subtree in the actor browser.
You don't need MeshMaker for UT2003 – it's built-in functionality of UnrealEd 3.0. To create a static mesh from a brush/prefab in UnrealEd 3.0, simply select Create from Selection in the static mesh browser's Edit menu.
Web Links
- [MeshMaker homepage], with news, documentation and a quick walkthrough.
BeyondUnreal Forums, brainstorming thread where all started.
BeyondUnreal Forums, release thread where the first release was discussed.
Created by Mychaeel.