Making Multi-Story Elevators
Making realistic elevator
- Important things to keep in mind:
- DM-Gridb2 style elevators can't be used by bots, since they don't understand that the elevator CAN'T stop, they'll wait forever.
- these elevators can't move quickly, or players would beable to get inside the shaft, and thats not fun.
- I don't know if this can be rework to function in UT, but with any experience it wouldn't be to difficult.
This is advanced stuff, so I'm expecting you know how to make a simple level out of subtract brushes, and convert basic brushes into static meshes. I will be using the staticmeshes I made for DM-Gridb2, but this can be done with any configuration of meshes with simple logic.
Step One:
Make something that basicly looks like this:
![]() See... not to difficult! Just don't play with fire. |
Step Two:
Now that we have our sexy backwards Z thing. We need to add the elevator. Go find an nice elevator Static Mesh.
![]() now don't start Fappin' yet.. you still need to convert it to a Mover. |
Step Three
Now, you should know how to place a mover in the level, if you don't, go back to Mover. Place is at the bottom floor, then make the second keyframe at the top floor.
![]() These settings can be changed, but for the sake of my sanity, these are the settings I'll be using. |
Its important to make is crush players on encroach, incase they get IN the shaft. It might be also useful to place volumes that destroy actors that fall into them at the bottom of the shaft.
Step Four
Let's make some Doors. Take some sexy door meshes and place them blocking the top and bottom, if you want to be REALLY crafty, you could attach another set to the lift itself, but thats if you want to be SUPER realistic. Now, give the set of doors the tag "topdoors" and the "bottomdoors" respectively.
![]() That should say TRIGGERCONTROL not TRIGGERPOUND. |
Step Five
It's time to make the triggers for the doors, place the top trigger JUST below where the top elevator will stop, and place the bottom trigger just ABOVE where the bottom of the elevator will stop. Set there events respectively and copy the settings I have in the screenshot.
![]() Almost finished the mechanics! |
Now you should have a CRAPPY but working elevator, now go back and do some fine tweaking.
If you were following this tutorial correctly, you shouldn't have the the slightest idea how this works, here's the rundown:
- The elevator is triggered by walking on to it and it moves to the second floor. This will trigger:
- The lift. It to leave the bottom.
- Bottom trigger, it closes the door.
- The lift makes it to the top, triggering:
- The top Trigger, opening the TOP doors.
- When it leaves it closes the doors.
Now that you understand the theory, you can move on to:
- Add a second set of doors attached to the lift.
- make a DM-gridb2 style elevator
- Use buttons to to trigger the lift
Oh, and I'm yet to tell you how to make this a DM-Gridb2 style elevator, its simple:
- make the mover loop
- set the keyframes as:
- bottom
- bottom
- top
- top
- and set the move time to something big... like 15 seconds.
if you come up with any ideas that you could make with this system, add them below.
Mosquito: YARG!! finished this tut, with hickup no less!
Legal: Erm, I don't care about if you had hickups when you wrote this... I just want to know how. Well, not me, but whoever read it [Cleaned up]
dUc0N: Those are indeed some sexyfied doors y'have there