Light Effects
Tarquin: page duplication with Actor (UT)/Lighting – sort of. How much has changed form UT to UT2003?
Foxpaw: Most, but not all, of these still work for dynamic lights. Static lights - basically none of them work right anymore, due to the fact that lightmaps are pregenerated and can't be animated through the use of lighteffects anymore.
Tarquin: Ok. So do we need one page for UT, one for Ut2003, or will one page do for both? How about I move the list & images from Actor (UT)/Lighting to here?
Foxpaw: I think that's a good idea. One could also add the lighteffect "QuadraticNonIncidence." I'm not sure what it does but it seems similar to NonIncidence.
LightType Properties
- LT_None
- No lighting. Why you should use this for lights is beyond me!
- LT_Steady
- Normal light. Probably the one you'll use most often.
- LT_Pulse
- Pulses the light on and off. Imagine playing with the light dimmer switch.
- LT_Blink
- No effect observed as of yet.
- LT_Flicker
- Good for broken down factory-type areas. Flickers on/off, as if the light ws broken. I don't know if it works with Coronas.
- LT_Strobe
- Flashes light on... off... on... off... Whee! Headaches! Not really suitable for gameplay...
- LT_BackdropLight
- Possibly used in SkyBoxes, but I dunno. No effects observed.
- LT_SubtlePulse
- I find this to be good with Green Lighting against Slime pits. Just barely noticeable, but it's there. Pickups are lit in this way.
LightEffect Properties
- LE_None
- Standard light.
- LE_TorchWaver
- Subtle fire effect, as though it was a torch.
- LE_Fire
- Normal fire effect, as though it was an actual fire.
- LE_WaterShimmer
- Set lighting to this underwater for interesting results.
- LE_SearchLight
- A rotating light. Not much to this.
- LE_SlowWave
- This'ld be good for a light just above water, methinks. Sends out slow waves of light.
- LE_FastWave
- Sends out fast waves of light.
- LE_CloudCast
- ??? No apparent effects.
- LE_StaticSpot
- Ditto.
- LE_Shock
- Like LT_Strobe, only faster.
- LE_Disco
- Random "disco" lights, the type of lighting you see in n00b maps.
- LE_Warp
- ??? No apparent effects.
- LE_Spotlight
- One spot of light. Remember to rotate the light actor to get this where you want it.
- LE_NonIncidence
- As if all solid surfaces were made out of jelly, or invisible, light passes straight through them.
- LE_Shell
- Gives a "The Ring" effect, only lights up the edge of the radius.
- LE_OmnibumpMap
- Yikes. No apparent effects.
- LE_Interference
- Like SlowWave/FastWave mixed together, except differs according to the textures.
- LE_Cylinder
- It's a cylinder of light instead of a sphere.
- LE_Rotor
- As if a fan was in the way between the light and the surface.
Changing The Effect
LightPeriod = changes the speed of the light.
LightPhase = Which frame of animation the light's on.
NOTE : Remember all light effects will significantly decrease performance on your map! Use sparingly!