Tarquin: What is this page for?
GRAF1K: Dunno. Delete Me – useless, whatever it's for.
MythOpus: Found it, Code References
HSDanClark: A while back me and Dragonmaw put together the minigun classes and a few others, then he posted this a few days ago... I'm not sure why, unless it's going to be part of another series like the minigun
UT2003 Build 2225
class FlakAltFire extends ProjectileFire; //Class and the parent class function InitEffects() //Initiates the firing effect { Super.InitEffects(); if ( FlashEmitter == None ) FlashEmitter = Weapon.FireMode[0].FlashEmitter; } defaultproperties //Normal Properties for each variable { ProjSpawnOffset=(X=25.000000,Y=9.000000,Z=-12.000000) FireAnim="AltFire" //Animation file FireEndAnim="None" FireSound=SoundGroup'WeaponSounds.FlakCannon.FlakCannonAltFire' //Sound you get when firing FireForce="FlakCannonAltFire" FireRate=1.000000 AmmoClass=Class'XWeapons.FlakAmmo' AmmoPerFire=1 ShakeRotTime=2.000000 ShakeOffsetMag=(X=-20.000000) ShakeOffsetRate=(X=-1000.000000) ShakeOffsetTime=2.000000 ProjectileClass=Class'XWeapons.FlakShell' BotRefireRate=0.500000 WarnTargetPct=0.900000 bSplashDamage=True //Uses Splash Damage bRecommendSplashDamage=True bTossed=True }