Console Commands/Debugging Console Commands
What follows is a definition of all of the debugging console commands that are in general use across all versions of the Unreal Engine. The Cheat Manager column only applies to UT2003. In other incarnations of the Unreal Engine it is enough to be logged in as admin and have cheats enabled on the "server".
Command | Description | Example | CheatManager? |
JUMPTO <x> <y> <z> | In UnrealEd, move the viewport to a certain location, useful in conjunction with tester reports generated with the REPORT command. | JUMPTO 0 0 0 | ? |
ShowDebug | Lists lots of info about the actor. See Subclassing ShowDebug above. | ShowDebug | No |
ShowLog | Shows the last lines of the ongoing game log in a separate window. | ShowLog | No |
LogScriptedSequences | Toggles on/off the logging of AI scripts. | LogScriptedSequences | Yes |
Graph Show | Displays a graph with different values plotted as lines | Graph Show | No |
PlayersOnly | Toggles the update (tick) of non Player actors (like bots and projectiles). | PlayersOnly | Yes |
SloMo | Set the engine speed relative to normal speed. | SloMo 0.5 | Yes |
Set | Set the value of all objects of a given class (and all of its subclasses, 1st param) and the class default values themselves to the value passed (2nd param). | Set MyObject bVar False | No |
EditActor Class=<classname> | Displays an editable property sheet for the property values of the nearest actor of the given class. | EditActors Class=RocketLauncher | No |
EditActor Name=<classname> | Displays an editable property sheet for the property values of the given actor. (You may have to run UT2003 with the -makenames command line parameter to have it assign unique names to every dynamically spawned actor.) |
EditActors Name=xPlayerReplicationInfo0 | No |
EditDefault Class=<classname> | Displays an editable property sheet for the default values of the given class. | EditDefault Class=LinkProjectile | No |
EditObj <objectname> | Displays an editable property sheet for the given object. Like EditActor, but works for non-Actor objects too. (See EditActor.) | EditObj xDeathMatch0 | No |
render blend | This toggles the rendering of normals on meshes, for skeletal meshes, they are colored with the number of influences (green =1, red=2, pink=3, light blue=4, white for 5+ ) | rend blend | No |
render bone | Toggles the rendering of bones (prevents rendering the regular mesh), where each bone's origin shows the local coordinate system with a small axis system, X,Y,Z = red,green,blue. Also, a purple 'root' line is drawn from the mesh's local space origin to the the 0th/root bone | rend bone | No |
Warning: To use the property sheets you must be running the game in windowed mode. If you are in fullscreen mode, hit Alt+Enter.
Warning: The game crashes when you try to look at the property of some classes, for instance Controller subclasses.
Remember that the toggle commands can be bound to a key (see Binding Keys). Example:
set input G PlayersOnly
See also Debugging Techniques