It's just a wooden barrel. You can shoot it and it shatters.
A respawning barrel.
Remaining problems:
- no effect of any kind when the barrel reappears. You might want some sort of swishy wizz or something
- you can be standing where the barrel really is when it reappears, and then you're sort of inside it
To use this script in your map: Create A Subclass.
//============================================================================= // ReviveBarrel. //============================================================================= class ReviveBarrel extends Barrel; var() float TimeToRespawn; var int InitialHealth; function PreBeginPlay() { super.PreBeginPlay(); InitialHealth = Health; } function Vanish(bool bVanish) { bHidden = bVanish; bBlockActors = !bVanish; bBlockPlayers = !bVanish; bProjTarget = !bVanish; } simulated function Frag(class<fragment> FragType, vector Momentum, float DSize, int NumFrags) { local int i; local actor A, Toucher; local Fragment s; if ( bOnlyTriggerable ) return; if (Event!='') foreach AllActors( class 'Actor', A, Event ) A.Trigger( Toucher, pawn(Toucher) ); if ( Region.Zone.bDestructive ) { Destroy(); return; } for (i=0 ; i<NumFrags ; i++) { s = Spawn( FragType, Owner); s.CalcVelocity(Momentum,0); s.DrawScale = DSize*0.5+0.7*DSize*FRand(); } GotoState('Absent'); } state Absent { Begin: Health = InitialHealth; // restore health Vanish(true); Sleep( TimeToRespawn ); Vanish(false); GotoState('Animate'); }
Wormbo: You should toggle bHidden instead of changing the DrawType.
Tarquin: Thanks Had to sort out blocking as well. Mych will not like me calling that function Vanish() but I can't think of a better name
Wormbo: What about "SetVisibility" or "SetHidden"?
Tarquin: Great! Thanks
Foxpaw: It might not hurt to have both, sort of. It's a little bit of overhead at the interpreter level, but not that big of a deal. In my GUI classes I use a SetHidden function, then a Show and Hide function that are just one-line functions that call SetHidden( false ) and SetHidden( true ) respectively. Effectively it's the same, but I guess it kind of helps the readability. If you're into that sort of thing.
Tarquin: I was thinking this could make a tutorial about subclassing and states, but it's not very neat what with inheriting one state from Barrel and a load of code from Decoration. So I guess for SetHidden it's a case of what's clearest for people to read. Your idea of Show() just being a call to setHidden is neat, but I don't know how easy to grasp it would be.